
University Project


UX Research

Field Diary

Comparative Analysis

Persona & Scenarios


Journey Mapping

UI Design

Moodboard & Style Tile


User Flow


UX/UI Design

Bad Habits UX/UI Research

Building an application that helps us break bad habits; stress eating


We all have bad habits. If you have ever tried to break a bad habit you know they are difficult to break. In this project, I was required to develop an app for behaviour change (a framework through which to create new habits or to break old ones).

Project Timeline

This project was spilt into two phases:

1. UX Research Phase: Where we identified a problem space of the new habit we want to adopt for this study. In this research phase, we undertook a competitive analysis to identify the other related products in the market place

2. UI Prototyping (App: Stop Snack): Here we prototype a new app that will allow the user to adopt the new habit.


UX Research

🌻  Writing a Field Diary

A field diary (sometimes called a camera study) is a UX research method in which participants keep a log of their thoughts, experiences, and activities over a defined period of time, usually a few days to several weeks.

For this study, I kept a field diary of four habit apps over a span of 5 days. Writing this field diary allowed myself to hone into my opinions and experiences in using the habit apps that are currently on the market.

Applications that were studied

Flora: app that blocks distracting apps in a pleasant way to help you focus (grow a tree)

Tangerine: app that helps you form habits, track your mood and journal (encourages daily self-care)

My Fitness Pal: food tracker

Sleep Cycle: smart alarm clock (monitors and tracks sleep pattern)cle

Comparative Analysis

A competitive analysis provides strategic insights into the features, functions, flows, and feelings evoked by the design solutions of your competitors. By understanding these facets of competitors’ products, you can strategically design your solution with the goal of making a superior product and/or experience.

App Ideation & Persona

App Ideation: Habit to fix - Stress Eating

After recognising and understanding the experience of using habit changing apps from our competitors, we created a persona and journey map of what a user experiences that may motivate them to use our app.

Meet Jamie! A Junior Data Analyst currently working for a start-up after recently completing a Bachelor of Commerce.


Based on the persona that was created, a scenario was written referencing why the user will use the app. From there, a storyboard was drawn to visualise this.


Jamie is a data analyst who is currently working from home due to the pandemic, and is watching his weight by putting himself on a “no bread diet” for 4 weeks.

He has a zoom meeting in the afternoon with his team and manager about the progress of their weekly work. During the meeting, he finds out that he made a small mistake in one of his reports which lead to a snowball of problems with other reports. Feeling overwhelmed and stressed out after the meeting, he instinctively walks to the kitchen cupboard, reaches his hand to the back and grabs a bag of croissants. He begins to stress eat a croissant and immediately feels guilty the moment he takes his first few bites. He now feels frustrated with himself as he had broken his goal of a ‘no bread diet’ 3.5 weeks into his 4-week goal.


UI Design

Lo-Fid Prototyping & User Flow

Here I started with the first intial prototyping of the app.

From the lo-fidelity prototypes, a user flow was created to illustrate the sequence of actions that users will perform to access different parts of the app. In this case, elements such as login, onboarding and the stress-eating questionnare.

Moodboard & Style Tile

Final Design

Here was the final edition of the app, 'Stop Snack'.

Stop Snack: The aim of this app is to help users with their mental health and specifically with the habit of 'stress eating'.

Latest works

Re-designing the learning management system (LMS), Moodle based off findings from user research.
UX Design
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